Souls Journey
Souls Journey

Mixed media, 34”x20”, 2019

Stop listening to the voices, listen to the voice
Stop listening to the voices, listen to the voice

Documented action, 44”x14”, 2019

Ultimately it is harder to breathe than what I believed when I was born
Ultimately it is harder to breathe than what I believed when I was born

Documented action, 36"x14", 2019

But it is at the altitude of dreams where the battle takes place
But it is at the altitude of dreams where the battle takes place

Photograph, 26.5”x30”, 2019

The problem is symbolic (2)
The problem is symbolic (2)

Documented action, 20”x30”, 2019

The problem is symbolic (3)
The problem is symbolic (3)

Documented action, 20”x30”, 2019

It is not the endless outside that scares me but the endless inside (1)
It is not the endless outside that scares me but the endless inside (1)

Documented action, 14”x15”, 2019

It is not the endless outside that scares me but the endless inside (2)
It is not the endless outside that scares me but the endless inside (2)

Documented action, 14”x15”, 2019

We are part of the reflection and not the other way around
We are part of the reflection and not the other way around

Photograph, 16”x20”, 2019