Actions on the land
Al Azraq is a former oasis in the desert of Eastern Jordan that has been decimated by 30 years of groundwater over-pumping. As the oasis has dried, bird migration, fishing, and the traditional salt mining industry that sustained the community have disappeared.
This project took place alongside assessments of the potential for Managed Aquifer Recharge to refill the freshwater underground aquifer, and the revitalization of the salt harvesting industry.
Imagination of Salvation: Actions on the Land was exhibited in 2019 at the IA&A at Hillyer Gallery and in 2024 at The Wilson Center, both in Washington, DC.
Unfortunately it was paradise
Palestinians have been dispossessed from their homeland for nearly 80 years, with the West Bank and Gaza Strip under occupation since 1948. The question of home “is more complicated for Palestinians than it should be”.
This work is inspired by Mahmoud Darwish’s poetry of exile and conversations with first, second, and third generation refugees living in Ramallah who describe their relationships to the villages that will always be home; though destroyed, never seen, or inaccessible due to travel restrictions.
I join the visitors at the gates
I join the visitors at the gates (work in progress) consists of 40 mourning rituals, one for each of the Sufi mystic Shams al Tabriz’s 40 rules of love.
“Sufism is a mystical path of love. The Sufi is a traveler on the path of love, a wayfarer journeying back to God through the mysteries of the heart. For the Sufi the relationship to God is that of lover and Beloved…The journey to God takes place within the heart, and for centuries Sufis have been traveling deep within themselves, into the secret chamber of the heart where lover and Beloved share the ecstasy of union. Through this mystical journey the Sufi wayfarer comes to experience God as a deepening experience of divine love, a love that belongs to both the created and the uncreated worlds, form and formlessness.” -Lewellyn Vaughn-Lee